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Plant Conservation Report 2020

A review of progress towards the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020 (CBD Technical Series No. 95)

The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) with its 16 outcome-orientated targets aimed at achieving a series of measurable goals by 2010, was originally adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its sixth meeting (COP-6) in 2002.

The Strategy developed from a call from the botanical community to enhance measures to ensure the protection of plants, as the basis of all life on earth and the building blocks of all terrestrial ecosystems. A wide range of stakeholders, including CBD Parties and representatives of the botanical community were engaged in developing the Strategy, which acknowledged the need to support all aspects of plant conservation, from information generation and sharing, through conservation and sustainable use of wild plants and crop genetic resources, to capacity building, education and public awareness.

The GSPC targets were updated in 2010 and a set of revised targets for 2020 were agreed at COP-10 in 2010, with a decision that implementation of the GSPC should be pursued as part of the broader framework of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020.

In agreeing to the development of a specific strategy for plant conservation in the framework of the CBD, Parties acknowledged and recognised the special importance of plants as the basis of all life on earth and providing the building blocks of all terrestrial ecosystems.

The GSPC has played a pivotal role in ensuring significant progress in plant conservation in recent years. Implementation has stimulated collaboration and synergies and provided an entry point for governments, as well as many smaller, non-governmental organisations into plant conservation and the implementation of the CBD. The GSPC has also encouraged the development of target-specific support groups and champions, which are linked together through the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC), which was established in 2004.


Technical series 95 - Plant Conservation Report 2020: A review of progress towards the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020

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More information: 

Press Release

Previous Global Strategy for Plant Conservation