Image Goran Horvat/Pixabay

Biodiversity needs the attention that youth are paying it

Youth engagement will be crucial in determining whether the environmental conditions that benefited human civilizations for over 10,000 years will exist beyond this century.

At the 1992 Earth Summit (The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development), world leaders recognized that achieving sustainable development would require the active participation of all sectors of societies and types of people, including children and youth. The relevance and inclusion of youth in environmental governance has been growing ever since.

Young people have, themselves, proven the relevance of their involvement and demonstrated their readiness to join other stakeholders and governments in efforts to protect biodiversity. One very concrete result of the willingness of young people to take action has been the establishment of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network. Since 2012, the network has provided a global platform where youth organizations and individuals can join forces, share concrete experiences about biodiversity and prepare contributions to the Convention on Biological Diversity process.  


More information:

Children & Youth

Global Youth Biodiversity Network

CBD in a Nutshell