
World Health Day -- 7 April 2021

World Health Day is celebrated annually and each year draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. This year's theme is "Building a fairer, healthier world."

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted health systems and the global economy, with the harshest impacts being felt by vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Vulnerable populations also face negative health outcomes from environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change, as they mostly rely on natural resources. And yet, such health inequities are preventable, including by tackling social and environmental determinants of health appropriately.

To build a healthier world, we must also consider human health in its broader ecosystem and recognize the intricate linkages between the health of people and the health of the planet, as 24% of all global deaths are linked to the environment, according to World Health Organization estimates. This also means ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and providing equitable access to ecosystem goods and services essential for human health and wellbeing.

As we celebrate the 2021 World Health Day, we need all stakeholders to work together to make this year a critical turning point in our path towards a fairer and healthier word, where nature and biodiversity are recognized for their importance and true value to human health and wellbeing and where health equity to all is achieved, leaving no one behind. 

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More information


World Health Day 2021 -- World Health Organization

Health and Biodiversity


Upcoming Events

World Wildlife Fund is hosting an interview with Dr. Peter Daszak, a British zoologist, researcher and expert on disease ecology, in particular on zoonosis. Dr. Daszak is a member of the WHO's mission looking into the origins of COVID 19. The Interview will focus on why human and planetary health are intertwined — and why we must protect #nature to prevent future pandemics.

7 April 2021 at 8:00am (EDT) (12pm (GMT))

Click here for more information

There will be a session on Health on 21 April during the 5th Science-Policy Forum for Biodiversity. This session will focus on the issue of health and biodiversity. Scientists will discuss and make recommendations to guide the world community on possible ways to avoid or minimize future pandemics by restoring the balance between nature and humans.

21 April 2021 at 10:00am - 11:30am (EDT)

Click here for more information and registration


The Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-24) and the Third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-3) will be held virtually during a period beginning 3 May 2021.

Click here for more information